Sometimes getting started doing anything can be difficult. It’s like we live in a state of denial and by not addressing difficult problems, we can continue to believe they’ll just go away. But, as the billboard says, “Won’t happen to me” is not a plan!

Thinking about what you would do if things went wrong can be scary. But, having a plan can make it so much easier to get through! Begin by taking a few minutes each month to just consider one thing. If we start with our basic needs, then food or water might be a good place to start…if there were a disaster, do you have enough extra food on hand to get by for a few days? How about if you had to rely on what you already have for a week – could you manage? What other items would you need that might make it easier on you and your family?

Do you have a way of heating your meals up if the electricity is out? Can you open a can of food if your electric can opener isn’t working? Do you have enough dog and cat food on hand to keep your pets happy for a week? What would you do with the food in your freezer if it thawed all at once?

Thinking about one aspect of your plan can provide you with a sense of accomplishment. Next week you can think of another aspect. For now, thinking of one piece of your plan is a start…and it’s all downhill from there!